600 First Words 6-Book Box Set (Read, Hear & Play)with a downloadable app
This 6 book set introduces early learners to basic words.
Books included: 100 Words on the Farm, 100 Words at School, 100 Words in Your House, 100 Words in Your Town, 100 Words on the Go, and 100 Words for Fun.
Bright clear photography isolates specific animals, foods, people, plants, places, and household objects to help toddlers identify and name basic objects. Each picture is labelled to help beginning readers associate printed and spoken words.
For an extra layer of interactive learning and fun, each book is paired with digital content. Parents can download the Little Grasshopper Library app to smartphone or tablet, iPhone or Android, and then access the app content for each book. In the app, the child sees a flashcard for each object, sees and hears the name of the object, and can play a fun sound effect, such as a cow mooing. Interactive learning games based on the book's content add to the fun
6 books and a downloadable app set
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