10 BOOKS PER LEVEL regular price $1,149.00 for each 10 BOOK SET per level
Total $6894.00 for the whole series 1-6 NOW AT SPECIAL OFFER PRICE FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY!
Six levels,10 books per level SPECIAL OFFER
only $4,799.00 for complete series
60 books in all!
Milly, Molly is a series of children's books by Gill Pittar. It is about the adventures of two little girls from different ethnic backgrounds, and the books promote the acceptance of diversity and the learning of life skills. There is an animated television series based on the books.
Suitable for Key Stage 1 readers, the Milly, Molly series will challenge and encourage children - enhancing their reading skills at school. Broken down into 6 levels, from ages 5 to 8, parents and teachers will find it easy to build up children's confidence and teach them to think about what they are reading.
Milly and Molly will engage children and implicitly inform them about good values and the acceptance of diversity. With each book they will learn about a new theme, every story told in a fun and interesting style; a brilliant set of books, filled with colourful illustrations.
The stories deal with the kinds of questions and trials that children face every day–and offer understanding in such matters as honesty, respect for others, difference, tenacity, exercise, cooperation, respect for nature, bullying, stranger danger, forgiveness, trustworthiness, responsibility, loyalty, loss and grief–and many other areas that are challenging to young children.
Their message is captured in the simple phrase: “We may look different but we feel the same.”
"My five-year-old daughter loves Milly Molly! The chapters are easy to follow and incredibly sweet!"
Level Two:
Milly, Molly and Bunt-Me-Not
An incorrigible goat proves almost too much for Milly and Molly. Theme: Respect
Milly, Molly and Billy Buttons
Can Milly and Molly help Billy Buttons achieve his dream? Theme: Self-empowerment
Milly, Molly and the Mountain
What will Milly and Molly find on the other side of the mountain? Theme: Thankfulness
Milly, Molly and Beaky
Milly and Molly observe the patience of a mother! Theme: Patience
Milly, Molly and Beefy
When Humphrey meets Milly and Molly's friend Beefy, his life is never the same again! Theme: Kindness vs Bullying
Milly, Molly and Mipper
Take care of the air. Fresh air is a must. Theme: Care for the air
Milly, Molly and Pennyroyal
Pennyroyal doesn't like what she sees in the mirror. Theme: Control of anger
Milly, Molly and Mr. Rooster
A promise is a promise. Theme: Keeping a promise
Milly, Molly and the Sun Hat
Milly and Molly find that honesty has its own rewards. Theme: Honesty
Milly, Molly and BB Brown
Milly and Molly go to jail! Theme: Self-improvement
Level Three:
Milly, Molly and Monkey
Happiness is a list of things! Theme: Happiness
Milly, Molly and the Train
Milly and Molly have a message for all the world to see. Theme: Care of the environment
Milly, Molly and the Patchwork Quilt
A dollar saved reaps an unexpected reward! Theme: Frugality
Milly, Molly and the Tree Hut
Building a tree hut changes Milly and Molly's friend, Maxter, for life. Theme: Exercise
Milly, Molly and the Magic Muffins
Is the magic in the muffin or in the eating? Theme: Good nutrition
Milly, Molly and the Secret Scarves
There's a message hiding in Milly's and Molly's Christmas parcels. Theme: Love
Milly, Molly and Special Friends
Sharing feelings make for special friends. Theme: Sharing feelings
Milly, Molly and the Jungle Gym
Milly and Molly convert their school into a cookie factory. Theme: Cooperation
Milly and Molly and Help the Animals
Milly and Molly prove too much for the developers. Theme: Animal Rights
Milly, Molly and Pet Day
Will loyalty be the winner on Pet Day? Theme: Loyalty
Level Four:
Milly, Molly and Billy Boy and Daffodil
Everyone needs a friend. Theme: Friendship
Milly, Molly and Grandpa Friday
Milly and Molly try to cheer up Grandpa Friday but something is missing. Theme: Compassion
Milly, Molly and Little Dot
A kindness is never forgotten. Theme: Kindness
Milly, Molly and Aunt Maude
Milly and Molly had no idea that helping Aunt Maude would be such a challenge. Theme: Tenacity
Milly and Molly’s Morsels
What could possibly be in Milly and Molly's morsels to make Stringer the star of the team? Theme: good nutrition
Milly, Molly and Salt and Pepper
A trusty steed is a friend indeed. Theme: Trustworthiness
Milly, Molly and the Runaway Bean
What a difference a bean makes. Theme: Good nutrition
Milly, Molly and the Wind
Tom and Jack are no match for the wind and Milly and Molly can do little to help them. Theme: Respect for nature
Milly, Molly and the Three-Legged Race
Milly and Molly show the true strength of unity. Theme: Unity
Milly, Molly and What Was That?
When Milly and Molly offer to spend a night in the barn with Bunty, they have no idea what is in store for them! Theme: Care and consideration
Level Five:
Milly, Molly and Different Dads
Milly and Molly learn how different dads can be. Theme: Acceptance of family diversity
Milly, Molly and Taffy Bogle
A quiet walk with Taffy Bogle turns in to an adventure Milly and Molly will never forget. Theme: Responsibility
Milly, Molly and Nuts and Raisins
Really...is that how a mouse gets its spots! Theme: Humour
Milly, Molly and BushBob
Where is BushBob and will his love of nature bring him home? Theme: Appreciation of nature
Milly, Molly and BiddyBid
Can Milly and Molly forgive BiddyBid when she gives the wrong diagnosis for their spots? Theme: Forgiveness
Milly, Molly and Salty Sam
A storm, four kind hearts and enough fruit for everyone. Theme: Social responsibility
Milly, Molly and Oink
When Milly and Molly's friend Oink was taken by a bad stranger they thought they would never see him again. Theme: Beware of strangers
Milly, Molly and Feather
Feather repays Milly and Molly for her freedom in the unique way only a chicken can! Theme: Animal Rights
Milly, Molly and Go Camping
When a 'bear' enters Milly and Molly's tent, they prepare to die! Theme: Courage and determination
Milly, Molly and Blind Bertie
What can Blind Bertie teach Milly and Molly to find? Theme: Peace and Joy
Level Six:
Milly, Molly and the Stowaways
Milly and Molly learn that there is a talent in everyone. Theme: Sense of worth
Milly, Molly and W.W. Webby
What can Milly and Molly learn from a wise, friendly spider? Theme: Wisdom
Milly, Molly and Betelgeuse
Behind every name there is a 'special star' Theme: Building self-esteem in others
Milly, Molly and Grandpa’s Oak Tree
Can Grandpa's dying wish save his oak tree? Theme: Protection of the environment
Milly, Molly and the Ferryman
We may look different but we feel the same! Theme: Acceptance of difference
Milly, Molly and the Pumpkin Seeds
Milly and Molly, with a little help from nature, hatch a life-saving plan. Theme: Social responsibility
Milly, Molly and Meg
Milly and Molly show the importance of respect. Theme: Respect for each other's bodies
Milly, Molly and Alf
What did Milly and Molly find so special about Alf? Theme: Celebration of difference
Six levels,10 books per level 60 book SPECIAL OFFER!