.Jumbo Fun With the Alphabet
Teacher Reproducibles Grades Prek -1
From "An Appetizing Apple" to "Zucchini and Zippy Dip," here's the ultimate resource book for teaching letter names and sounds to pre-kindergarten through first-grade students. It's brimming with fun lessons, activities, and projects that help young students learn the alphabet more quickly and easily. Includes templates and instructions for 27 student-made books, plus 90 fun activities involving art, games, and cooking.
Each letter begins with teaching ideas for introducing it and/or its sound. Then for each letter of the alphabet, you will find:
* a full-page picture card with capital and lower case letter
* a bibliography of suggested literature references about objects beginning with that letter
* a simple recipe for a food beginning with that letter; for example, applesauce, rice & raisin
pudding, very vegetable soup
* a step-by-step drawing lesson of an object beginning with that sound; for example, kite, octopus, wagon
* a trace and write reproducible
* an art lesson (patterns provided as needed)
* a reproducible cut-and-paste activity for additional practice with the letter
* a reproducible "little book" containing a four-page story to share with students
Additional resources include a reproducible mini-alphabet book, an animal for each letter of the alphabet, reproducible letter and picture cards, upper and lower case letters and seven picture cards for each letter, directions for four games to practice letter names and sounds, and directions for setting up five centers
Generously illustrated with cute, instructive line art, suitable for students to color. Includes reproducible "I Know the Alphabet" student award template. All 304 pages are perforated for easy removal.
304 PAGES 21.59 x 1.91 x 26.67 cm SOFTCOVER